How to make your hotel stay more comfortable

Staying at a hotel can be a wonderful experience. Try for example to visit a top-modern, new hotel in Copenhagen, and you can enjoy endless relaxation and entertainment in the comfort of your room.
But all hotels are not like that and if you’re a frequent business traveler you know all too well what a horrible experience some old and worn hotels can be, with paper thin walls, squeaky beds and rooms with only the bare minimum of equipment.
Bring luxury with you
But there are solutions to this. Staying at a nicer hotel is one way, but that’s not always an option. Instead you can just ignore what’s there and create your own luxury hotel room using the latest gadgets.
Upgrade your bed
Hotel beds are often hard and uncomfortable, to say the least, and while there’s little you can do about the bed itself, you can add quite a lot of comfort on your own. The Tempur Travelset is one such product and it’s sure to turn any lousy hotel bed into a much better and more comfortable experience.
Turn your room into a movie theatre
Long gone are the days when you were limited to the tv channels and pay per view movies offered by the hotel. Thanks to online services and downloadable movies and tv shows you can bring everything you would ever want to watch with you.
There is only one problem and that is the lack of a big screen. If you’re lucky there is a half decent tv that you can connect your computer to, but even that won’t hide the fact that you’re stuck in a cramped hotel room, with a rather small screen.
Bring the movie theatre with you! Get a portable travel projector, and you can turn any boring night at the hotel into an exciting movie night.
Create your own spa
Got a bathtub in the room? Then we have great news! You can easily turn your boring hotel bathtub into a spa bath.
Find a portable bath spa that you like and bring it with you. These units are getting really small now and will easily fit into your checked bag, without exceeding the maximum luggage weight.
Suddenly you can enjoy a nice relaxing spa bath even in the most uncomfortable hotel room.